Monday, August 1, 2011

Division of Labor and Second Shift

I thought the chart activity gave me more insight into how much work everyone in a family contributes. I was not surprised to see that my Mom does the majority of the tasks, especially the daily chores, such as cooking dinner and packing school lunches. While my Dad does do some chores, I definitely think my Mom has a second shift where the number of chores she does greatly outweighs how many chores my Dad does. The textbook mentioned how some wives are more willing to do chores, since the husband is the breadwinner and provides economic stability. I think this idea does apply to our family. When I interviewed my Mom for the gender inequality assignment, she even mentioned how she does not think there is inequality within the house because my Dad does other things, such as taking care of our finances. While I highly doubt that my parents would agree with this, I think it would be interesting to switch the dynamics and roles each person in the family plays for a few days, just to see how people handle the role reversals. If this were to happen, it would also be interesting to see the after effects, if there are any, of this activity and if people change how many daily chores they do.

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